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Úvod - Historical monuments - Prague - Historical buildings - OLD TOWN HALL – PRAGUE 1, Old Town



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The Old Town Hall was built in the year 1338. George of Poděbrady was elected here king by the Czech Estates. The Old Town Hall was also the seat of the central government of the United Prague towns. The iron cross in the cobblestones in front of entrance is a reminder of the execution of 27 Czech lords after the Battle at the White Mountain in the year 1620. The east Neo-Gothic wing of the Town Hall burnt on the 8th Mai 1945 and never has been rebuilt. The hall is situated on Old Town Square.

The astronomical clock was incorporated into the structure in the year 1490. The clock shows the phases of the moon, the sun, planets and stars moving around the earth. The clock's most famous element is the upper section, added in the year 1865. At the top of each hour, a unique ritual occurs in which decorative figures of the twelve Apostles move from left to right below the clock face while a skeletal figure (Death) pulls a rope in time to the chimes. The spectacle ends by the mechanical cock´s crowing.

Underneath is the clock's painted calendar, created by Josef Mánes in the year 1870. Old Town Hall is the seat of the self-government of the Prague Old Town. From the 69 m high tower there is a nice view of all the Old Town.

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